Have read this recently...hope it will be good read for everyone
Spirituality, A Way of Life – Rajashree Birla
is not about a religion. Neither is it about gods and rituals. Spirituality is
a principal way of life: It’s an attitude. There are a dozen attributes to
life, to building a positive attitude, embedded in this very word
‘SPIRITUALITY’. Let us walk you through each letter of the word ‘spirituality’.
‘S’ stands
for Seva, to think beyond yourself and reach out to others. Seva is to be
selfless in your thoughts and way of life. Most of us are sevikas or sevaks in
some form or other; for we know that the joy of giving is far greater than the
joy of receiving.

Moving on
to the three. ‘I’ in the word ‘spirituality’, these reflect three distinct
values. Integrity, Inner Voice and Inspire – be inspired and inspire others.
Integrity is character. Inner Voice is the stairway to spirituality as it
always goads you to do what is right, to live by one’s conscience and by values.
Following this stretch is inspirational for you and others as well.
‘R’ is to
learn to smell the roses on your way. Being positive is so restorative. You
will never feel that you are ever in the midst of a storm. Every situation can
then be faced with equanimity and fortitude. For one knows that this, too,
shall pass.

‘U’ is all
about the universality and oneness of humankind. On realizing this,
increasingly you are able to brush aside prejudices. Differences cease to
matter. Aren’t each one of us just a speck in the universe?
‘A’ is for
acceptance. Accept yourself and others unconditionally. ‘A’ also entails the
total negation of arrogance, and with humility being the ACE in your chosen

‘T’, the
second last letter in spirituality, stands for Trust. Let me share something
that Steve Jobs would say, “You can’t connect dots looking forward; you can only
connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow
connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny,
life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all
the difference in my life.” How true!
finally – ‘Y’ – the last letter, stands for You – and for me, too. Only YOU can
make this happen.
writer is the chairperson, the Aditya Birla Centre for Community Initiatives
and Rural Development.)
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